About Me
Identifying Business Concerns

It isn't everyday that you have an expert point out to you how your business is failing, which is why those early experiences are so crucial. I started working with a professional consultant a few months back, and they were really helpful in helping us to identify the areas that needed to be improved. I learned very quickly that we were making a few critical mistakes, and when we turned things around, everything shifted. On this website, I wanted to share great information about business problems and resolutions, since our consultant was right about everything. Read more to find out how to create a better business.


The Basics Of Offering Health Insurance For Employees

24 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Offering health insurance for employees is often a big selling point for businesses that want to attract or retain people. If you're ready to start looking for an employee health insurance provider, you ought to keep these four basic aspects of the process in mind. Establish a Financial Baseline Any business that's going to contribute to a health insurance plan needs to figure out what it can afford. You should calculate the percentage of your available money you can commit. Read More …

Thinking About an Investment Property? 3 Reasons to Schedule a Condition Assessment

2 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Investment properties can be big-time money-makers, especially if you have more than one property that you manage at one time. Owning a four-plex or apartment building can be particularly profitable, which is why it might make sense to explore properties in your area. However, before you put in any offers, you should book an appointment with a property condition assessment specialist. Here are three reasons why.  1. Understand Challenges Before you buy a property, it makes sense to learn as much as possible about the condition of the building. Read More …