Jacob Arnold

About Me
Identifying Business Concerns

It isn't everyday that you have an expert point out to you how your business is failing, which is why those early experiences are so crucial. I started working with a professional consultant a few months back, and they were really helpful in helping us to identify the areas that needed to be improved. I learned very quickly that we were making a few critical mistakes, and when we turned things around, everything shifted. On this website, I wanted to share great information about business problems and resolutions, since our consultant was right about everything. Read more to find out how to create a better business.


Top Reasons To Hire A Fire Protection Engineer For A Building Project

13 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you own a construction company that constructs new buildings or renovates old ones, working with a fire protection engineer is essential. A fire protection engineer is a professional who is highly trained in fire science, and he or she is an invaluable resource during new construction or renovations. Ideally, you should hire a fire protection engineer as early in the planning process as possible in order to prevent delays once the project has started. Read More …

Utilizing Enterprise Resource Planning to Help Your Business

9 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A modern business will need to operate as efficiently as possible if it is to survive and thrive in the modern market. Unfortunately, businesses will often have substantial waste that can be eliminated, but the leaders may not always be capable of identifying and correcting these issues. How Can Enterprise Resource Planning Benefit Your Business? Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a comprehensive approach that can help you with better monitoring and improving your supply and distribution networks. Read More …

4 Parts Of A Comprehensive Commercial Property Condition Assessment

1 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Determining the value of a commercial property can be challenging. There are many unique factors that must be considered before a commercial property can be valued properly. Understanding how these factors work together can help you see why a comprehensive property condition assessment should be ordered in addition to a commercial inspection before you complete any commercial real estate purchase. 1. Property History A comprehensive assessment of any property should include not only an inspection of the site itself but also research into the history of the property. Read More …